Mon – Sat: 9:00-19:00,  Sunday- CLOSED

+ (90)549 131 3434

خطوتك التالية نحو ابتسامة أحلامك

عيادة Fineup متخصصة في تقديم خدمات استثنائية في علاج الأسنان و العمليات الجراحية التجميلية لزبائنها من مختلف انحاء العالم. مع مرافقنا الحديثة و طاقمنا المختص، نركز على تقديم رعاية شخصية عالية الجودة لتلبية احتياجاتك الفردية.

احصل على موعد

    خدماتنا الشاملة

    Dental Implants

    زراعة الأسنان

    Smile Makeover

    تصميم الابتسامة


    القشور التجميلية

    Dental Crowns

    تيجان الأسنان

    سواء كنت بحاجة إلى زراعة الأسنان، تغيير الابتسامة الكاملة، تيجان الأسنان أو القشور التجميلية.
    عيادة fineup تقدم مجموعة واسعة من الخدمات لتحسين ابتسامتك وتعزيز ثقتك بنفسك.

    معدات متميزة،
    نتائج رائعة.

    Smile Makeover
    Smile Makeover
    Smile Makeover
    Smile Makeover

    شاهد التغيير بنفسك. تضمن تقنياتنا المتقدمة ومختبرنا بالعيادة نتائج دقيقة وعالية الجودة.

    تعرّف على خبرائنا

    مع خبرة واسعة في العمل مع المرضى الدوليين، يلتزم فريقنا من المهنيين المهرة بصحتك وسعادتك ورضاك.

    They look really good now, but still like my own teeth, which I like

    Had a pretty big smile makeover at FineUp Clinic in Turkey this August. They did root canals on three of my molars – way less scary than I thought it would be. And about my front teeth, they put on veneers for eight of them. They look really good now, but still like my own teeth, which I like.

    Andreas B.

    The staff were friendly and the clinic was impeccably clean

    Excellent service! The staff were friendly and the clinic was impeccably clean. My smile makeover was a smooth and pleasant journey, thanks to their professionalism.

    Aaron S.

    The precision and care taken by the team were exceptional

    I underwent a complex lower jaw surgery at the clinic, specifically aimed at correcting my bite alignment... The precision and care taken by the team were exceptional. The recovery process was well-explained and supported by the clinic's staff. I'm now in the final stages of healing, and the improvement in my bite function and appearance is remarkable.

    Jane S.

    The dentists are truly artists

    The smile makeover I received here is something I can't stop talking about. The dentists are truly artists. My smile has never looked this impressive, which boosted my confidence and the compliments just keep coming!

    Maglet B.

    They fit perfectly and look incredibly natural

    The clinic might seem a bit pricy, but the quality of their zirconium crowns is exceptional. They fit perfectly and look incredibly natural. Definitely worth the investment.

    Mohammed A.
    Saudi Arabia

    It was over before I knew it and with way less discomfort than I thought

    Visited for a serious root canal treatment with Dr. Esra Ulukoylu. Was really nervous but the staff made it so much easier. It was over before I knew it and with way less discomfort than I thought.

    Davide C.

    The staff was welcoming, the clinic clean, and the dentist thorough yet gentle

    I recently visited Fineup Dental Clinic in Turkey for a check-up and was pleasantly surprised. The staff was welcoming, the clinic clean, and the dentist thorough yet gentle. They explained things clearly, without any pressure. A good choice for straightforward, reliable dental care.


    She is so kind and welcoming, taking me through each step of treatment

    Bespoke is absolutely incredible! As a person who suffers with anxiety from going to the dentist due to having negative experiences in the past. I have felt completely comfortable with each visit and will most definitely continue to!


    The friendly staff made the process smooth, especially important when you're far from home

    Visited Fineup Dental Clinic in Turkey while travelling from abroad. I was impressed by their efficient service and the dentist's expertise. The friendly staff made the process smooth, especially important when you're far from home. A great choice for travellers needing dental care.


    نفخر بتقديم تجربة استثنائية للمريض. - اقرأ ما يقوله مرضانا الراضون.

    ضمان تجربة خالية من المتاعب

    لضمان أقصى درجات راحتك، نساعد بتوفير الإقامة والنقل من المطار مترجم مرافق.


    المساعدة في الإقامة

    نحن نتعامل مع الخدمات اللوجستية لإقامتك لتوفير الراحة القصوى. من حجوزات الفنادق إلى أماكن الإقامة المنزلية، سنعتني بذالك .

    النقل من المطار

    الوصول والمغادرة بدون ضغوط مع خدمة النقل المجانية من المطار. من مدرج المطار إلى العلاج، نجعله سلسا.


    يضمن موظفونا متعددو اللغات التواصل الواضح، مما يجعل زيارتك أكثر راحة.

    هل أنت مستعد لتغير ابتسامتك ؟ اتصل بنا اليوم لحجز موعد ومناقشة خيارات العلاج الخاصة بك.