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Do Bread and Pasta Cause Tooth Decay? Foods That Negatively Affect Dental Health

In today’s society, individuals are becoming increasingly aware of dental health. Unfortunately, many still do not fully understand the effects of the foods they consume on dental health. Research conducted by experts shows that certain foods and beverages can weaken tooth enamel and lead to decay. In this article, we will examine in detail the foods that cause tooth decay and explain how you can take precautions.

Acidic and Sugary Beverages

Soda and Pop

Carbonated drinks, due to their high acid and sugar content, can damage tooth enamel. Products from famous brands such as Coca-Cola and Pepsi can cause tooth decay. According to a study published in the “Journal of Dentistry” in 2013, the constant consumption of carbonated drinks can cause serious damage to tooth enamel, leading to decay.

Fruit Juice

Although they may seem healthy, consuming high amounts of fruit juice can harm your body. Fruit juices, rich in acids, similarly threaten dental health like carbonated drinks. Even pure fruit juices without additives can contain high amounts of sugar and acid, which can weaken the enamel and cause decay.

Energy Drinks

The consumption of energy drinks, especially among young people, has increased in recent years. These drinks can damage the teeth due to their very high sugar and acid content. Dentists emphasize the importance of avoiding such drinks to maintain dental health.

Citrus Fruits

Even though they are healthy in terms of vitamin content, particularly acidic citrus fruits like oranges can damage tooth enamel.

Even though they may be healthy in terms of vitamin content, fruits like citrus fruits that are particularly high in acid can damage tooth enamel.


Chocolate and Candy

Sugar is a factor that causes bacteria to produce acid on the teeth. Sugar can damage your teeth during chewing and can increase the amount of sugar in your blood, raising the sugar level in your saliva. This continues to harm your teeth.


Nuts are generally considered healthy snacks; however, the sugar and salt found in some nuts can negatively affect dental health. Especially products like almonds and hazelnuts coated with caramel or sugar can damage the enamel.

Acidic Fruits

Acidic fruits like oranges, grapefruits, and lemons can erode tooth enamel and cause decay. However, since these fruits are also rich in vitamins, instead of stopping their consumption completely, you can choose to rinse your mouth with water after eating these fruits.

High-Carbohydrate Foods

Bread and Pasta

Bread and pasta, rich in carbohydrates, can increase acid production when combined with sugar in the mouth. This can weaken the enamel and lead to decay. A study published in “Clinical Oral Investigations” in 2018 stated that excessive consumption of these types of foods could negatively affect dental health.

Chips and Crackers

Chips and crackers can also pose a risk to dental health due to their high carbohydrate content. These products can easily break down in the mouth and get stuck between teeth, which can encourage bacterial formation.


It is important to pay attention to the foods you consume to protect your dental health. Of course, it’s not entirely possible to completely give up these foods. In fact, some of the foods mentioned above can be beneficial to your health in certain measures. As Paracelsus said, “The dose makes the poison.” Even if it’s difficult to eliminate the mentioned products from your life entirely, if they occupy a high place in your daily food choices, I suggest being more cautious.

If you consume a high amount of the mentioned foods, reducing this consumption and not neglecting regular dental check-ups will help protect your dental health. Additionally, rinsing your mouth with water after acidic and sugary foods and using dental floss regularly are important steps you can take to maintain dental health. Remember, healthy teeth are one of the keys to maintaining a healthy life.

Actively participating in courses and conferences both within the country and abroad, Specialist Dentist Esra Uluköylü writes about questions concerning dental and oral health. Uluköylü, who is a root canal and endodontics specialist, is a member of the Turkish Endodontics Association.

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