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Root Canal Treatments

Root canal treatment is a treatment method used to save decayed or infected teeth. As a result of tooth decay, root canal treatment is applied at the stage where a solution cannot be found despite the intervention with filling. Over time, the decays on the teeth also affect the roots and nerves, and there is a solution to the root and nerves of the tooth by root canal treatment.

Why Is Root Canal Treatment Done?

Severe pain occurs as a result of infection in the tooth root and nerves, deep caries in the tooth, cracking and fracture in the tooth. As a result of decay and fracture on the tooth surface, bacteria begin to multiply in the nerves and pulp.

As a result of the infection that occurs in the tooth, this infection affects the tooth roots and nerves over time, thus causing the person to suffer at a level that will affect his social life. When such situations occur, root canal treatment is performed, and these bacteria and decays that occur in the tooth and its root are cleaned and treated.

In Which Situations Is Root Canal Therapy Applied?

In order to perform root canal treatment, some conditions must occur. Root canal treatment is not applied to every aching or decaying tooth. Mild aching teeth caused by bacteria can only be treated with fillings. Root canal treatment is applied as a result of infection that progresses to the core of the tooth. Some situations that may require root canal treatment are;

  • Sensitivity to hot or cold,
  • Swelling in the gums,
  • Severe pain,
  • Pain formation during chewing

How Make Is Root Treatment?

Root canal treatment should be applied by a dentist or endodontist. Endodontists are dentists who specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of dental pulp and nerve diseases. The way root canal treatment is applied;

  1. The first step in treatment is X-ray to see the root canals clearly after the examination. In this way, it can be seen whether the tooth roots and surroundings are also infected.
  2. In the next step, the area around the tooth is anesthetized with local anesthesia. Thus, the patient does not feel any pain during the procedure. In fact, since the dental nerve dies, no pain is actually felt, but the physician can apply anesthesia to relieve the patient.
  3. During the treatment, several precautions are taken to keep the area dry.
  4. The next step is to create a cavity by opening a canal on the tooth to reach the roots. Harmful bacteria and decayed nerve tissues in the tooth are removed through the opened hole.
  5. In the last stage, the cleaning process is completed and the hole is closed with filling material.

What Should Be Considered Before Treatment?

If the pulp of the tooth is still alive before the root canal treatment, no procedure is applied. If there is an infection in the root of the tooth and there is sensitivity, the patient should use antibiotics beforehand.

What Are The Treatment Stages?

First, a comprehensive examination is made by the physician and x-rays are taken to better see the root canals and the tooth environment. According to the X-ray results, local anesthesia is applied and a hole is drilled into the tooth and the infected tissue inside is removed. Afterwards, the root canals are cleaned and the gap formed is filled so that re-infection does not occur. In the final stage, the tooth is usually closed with porcelain fillings and the treatment is finished.

What Should Be Considered After Root Canal Treatment?

Some points should be considered after root canal treatment. Things to consider after root canal treatment;

  • Hard and crusty foods should not be consumed until the treatment is finished, and care should be taken not to eat with that tooth.
  • Daily oral and dental care should be continued regularly. Since the tooth will be sensitive in this process, a soft toothbrush and sensitivity-supported toothpastes should be used.
  • After the treatment, dental floss and mouthwashes should be used regularly.
  • Sugary and sticky foods should not be consumed after root canal treatment. Acidic beverages should also be avoided.
  • After the treatment, painkillers and drugs recommended by the dentist should be used completely.

How Long Does Root Canal Treatment Take?

The duration of root canal treatment varies from person to person. Applications such as the number of roots of the person, infection in the roots, cleaning of the nerves cause changes in the duration of the root canal treatment. In some cases, additional treatments are also required.

Root canal treatment can take between 30 and 90 minutes on average, but in some cases this time can be spread over several days. For example, in order to prevent infection in some patients, the dentist puts medicine into the tooth and waits for a while before closing it, which causes the process to spread over several days. During this period, the tooth root is closed temporarily so that it does not become infected again.

Will There Be Pain After Root Canal Treatment?

Contrary to what is known, root canal treatment causes pain as much as the pain felt during the filling process, and it is not a very painful procedure as it is thought. The pain felt before the procedure is due to the existing infection.

Caused by infection clearance after treatment Sensitivity occurs for a few days. This situation can be relieved by using the recommended painkillers. Thanks to the local anesthesia applied before the procedure, pain is not felt during the procedure.

What Are The Precautions To Be Taken To Prevent Root Canal Treatment?

The easiest way to prevent the root nerves of a tooth from becoming infected is to pay attention to dental and oral care. In order to have healthy teeth, it is necessary to brush the teeth regularly, use dental floss, and regularly perform gum care and oral care. In daily life, substances such as sugary foods, alcohol and cigarettes should be avoided. In addition to these measures, it is necessary to visit the dentist regularly at least 2 times a year and have a comprehensive examination. Apart from harmful foods, it will be beneficial to use dental protectors while doing sports in order to prevent accidental tooth breakage or tooth loss.

Can Root Canal Treatment Be Done Again?

Root canal treatment is an application that is repeated more than once. After an unsuccessful root canal treatment, the tooth filling is emptied and the root canals are cleaned again and the tooth is filled again.

Root canal treatment performed under the guidance of a specialist dentist is 90-95% successful. Infection may occur due to the formation of a new bacteria in the tooth root as a result of the person not paying attention to dental care, decay or breakage of the tooth. When such a problem occurs, root canal treatment can be repeated.

Is There An Alternative To Root Canal Treatment?

Root canal treatment is a very effective treatment method with a high success rate. With root canal treatment, the dental nerves are cleaned and the tooth is filled, thus providing a lifetime of use thanks to regular maintenance.

Root canal treatment is the first preferred treatment method because the first choice of physicians is the preservation of natural teeth.

The alternative to root canal treatment is bridge, implant and prosthesis applications.

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