Mon – Sat: 9:00-19:00,  Sunday- CLOSED

+ (90)549 131 3434

Author: Ender Beytekin

Botox is an easy solution that is received instant results In aging skin as a result of the inability of the skin, wrinkles, low-brow and sweating and whose application is and whic

Salmon DNA therapy is the name given to the application of hyaluronic acid and beneficial substances obtained from salmon that support cell production. Skin loses various propertie

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) is one of the most natural regeneration methods. Our frayed skin because of many factors like solar rays, smoking, stressful life and derangement of diet

The creams and solutions we apply to the skin only effect and revive the top layer of the skin, namely the epidermis. However, it is the middle layer, also known as the dermis, tha

Over the years, the face loses its volume. This includes our temples, which are located between the hair line and eyebrows on both sides of our face. The ideal volume of the temple

Although the aesthetic appearance of the jaw structure differs in both men and women, its basic lines represent a certain structure. When these proportional problems related to the

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